Trump and Biden quarreled during the presidential debate about their respective golf handicaps: The winner over 18 holes is known to the voters.

A dispute between two old men about who is better at golf was one of the most bizarre scenes from last week’s presidential debate.

In closing remarks, President Joe Biden (81), issued a challenge to his predecessor, Donald Trump (78), to a match. According to an exclusive study conducted by, the majority of Americans think Trump would win. 52 percent of potential voters thought the ex-president and owner of a golf club would defeat Biden, according to the survey. The Democratic candidate was predicted to win by just 16% of respondents. Democrats are not too optimistic about their candidate’s chances after 18 holes. A third predicted that he would win, while 26% predicted that he would lose.


Biden suggests that since democracy is one of the many things on the line in November’s election, the other 41% of Democrats who indicated they were unsure might have simply felt the question was pointless. However, it highlights a key query that voters have after Biden’s faltering debate performance: Is he capable of handling the pressures of the position?


Both men have an avid interest in golf, and Trump utilized this pastime to deflect inquiries about his potential health at the end of a second term as president, when he would be eighty-two years old. He boasted, “I just won two club championships—two regular club championships, not even senior.” You must be very intelligent and have a long ball hitting stroke to do it. And I carry it out too. It’s not him. He is incapable of hitting a ball fifty yards.


Reversing course, Biden stated that he would be delighted to compete against Trump in a “driving contest.” “I was able to reduce my handicap to a six when I was vice president,” he remarked, making a shot at Trump, who is often seen driving a golf cart with a caddy nearby. As I previously mentioned, if you bring your own bag, I’m happy to play golf with you. Do you think you can succeed?Reversing course, Biden stated that he would be delighted to compete against Trump in a “driving contest.” “I was able to reduce my handicap to a six when I was vice president,” he remarked, making a shot at Trump, who is often seen driving a golf cart with a caddy nearby. As I previously mentioned, if you bring your own bag, I’m happy to play golf with you. Do you think you can succeed?


At this time last year, Biden was ahead of Trump; however, in the interim, the former president has closed the gap. Our exclusive poll shows that Trump now has a six-point lead.


Adding to the childishness of all that, Biden retorted, “You are a child,” to Trump’s additional remark, “Let’s not act like children.” Trump is known for his love of golf, often spending his summer vacations at his New Jersey course, Bedminster, or his winter weekends at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.


Legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus joined him at his West Palm Beach course in 2018, and one of the most animated meetings he had at the White House was with Tiger Woods. Although Biden doesn’t play as much, he is a member of the Fieldstone Golf Club, which is close to his house in Delaware.


J.L. Partners conducted an online survey with 1,000 probable voters to find out what they thought of the pair’s abilities. There is a 3.1 point error margin of error associated with the results.

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