How Oake golfers raise £3,000 for charity.


At Oake Manor Golf Club, over 230 golfers participated in Captain Charles St George’s Charity Day, which raised over £3,000 for Citizens Advice Somerset.

A special “tee off the roof” event, where players use a specially made scaffold tee to hit their tee shots from the roof of the Captain’s House next to the 12th tee, was the highlight of the day.

The 10th hole offered the chance to win a motorcycle, sponsored by Total Triumph, while there were prizes available for hole-in-ones on all of the course’s par 3s. Sadly, no competitor was able to score an ace that day.

Daniel Owen, Alexander Pearson, Lee Bowey, and Jonathan Owen won the team competition. Russell Jones, James Boyland, Jordan Clapp, and William George made up the second-place team.

Simon Rudd won the senior category, Charlotte Bolton won the women’s division, and Thomas Trowbridge won the men’s division for the longest drive on the 12th hole. For the men, Carl Whittaker was closest to the pin on the sixth hole, while Neil Hallett was closest to the pin for the seniors on the fourteenth.

On that day, a charity auction featured golf memorabilia kindly contributed by the Kate and Justin Rose Foundation.

The following companies provided commercial sponsorship for the event: Somerset Motorhome Center, Lentells, Parker Scaffold, Lloyd & Whyte, South West Cleaning Services, and Total Triumph of Taunton.

In additional contests, George Rollinson emerged victorious in the Eric Hood Trophy Saturday Medal Competition. At nett 64, George emerged victorious in division 2, followed by Jonathan Owen in second place with nett 65 and Thomas Stewart in third place with nett 67. With a nett 64, Eamon Leigh won division 1, followed by Simon Greaves in second place with a nett 65, and James Macey in third place with a nett 65.

With 38 points, Nigel Foster won division 1 of the Seniors Monday Order of Merit Stableford. Glyn Pearce finished second with 36 points, and John Wall finished third with 36 points. With 38 points, Terry Brown emerged victorious in division 2, recording the highest score of the day. With 35 points, Robert Davies finished third, followed by Alex Anthill in second place.

Ladies Vice Captain Daphne Priddy won the Tuesday Stableford Competition with a score of 41 points, easily defeating Alison Harman in second place with 40 points and Cathy Sheppard in third place with 34. With 37 points, Pipita Verge won division 2, Mary Wood finished second with 36 points, and Sue Corlett finished third with 36 points.

With an outstanding 41 points, Harry Forknall emerged victorious in the Wednesday Midweek Stableford Competition, followed by Neil Blackmore in third place with 39 points and Phillip Coleman in second place with 39 points.

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